Core group training

Seated Chest Expansion Rehabilitation Trainer
It is suitable for patients with poor internal and external stretching of upper limbs to carry out rehabilitation training and restore and enhance muscle strength, Train the muscles: move inward to exercise the pectoralis major, and move outward to exercise the posterior deltoid, rhomboid and trapezius, Training effect: Strengthen the strength of the upper trunk muscles, enhance the stability of the trunk, and avoid the occurrence of shoulder muscle soreness and pathological changes.
Seated Hip Rehabilitation Trainer
It is suitable for patients to carry out leg activity training and improve the range of motion of each joint of the leg. Adjust the resistance pit training to enhance the strength of leg movement, Train the muscles: train the adductor muscles of the thigh inward, and train the gluteus medius and tensor fasciae latae outward,Training effect: Strengthen the muscle strength of the adductor muscles of the thigh, strengthen the constrictor muscles of the thigh and hip, strengthen the contraction of the urethra and bladder muscles, tighten the inner thigh muscles, and avoid relaxation and stretch marks.
Seated Trunk Stabilization Rehabilitation Trainer
It is suitable for chest and back rehabilitation training of patients,Traing muscles: Move forward to train anterior deltoid, pectoralis major and triceps brachii, and move backward to train latissimus dorsi and biceps brachii, Training effect: strengthen the muscle strength of upper arm and chest and back, and enhance the ability of carrying and carrying in daily life, Avoid shoulder muscle soreness or pathological changes.
Seated Upper Limb Rehabilitation Trainer
It is suitable for patients to exercise their arms and improve the range of motion of each joint of the arm. Regulate impedance training to enhance arm strength,Muscle training: lift up to train triceps brachii, anterior deltoid and upper pectoralis major, Pull down to train biceps brachii and latissimus dorsi.
Sitting Leg-kicking Rehabilitation Training Device
It is suitable for patients to carry out leg activity training and improve the range of motion of each joint of the leg. Regulate impedance training to enhance leg strength: Train muscles: move forward to train the muscle strength of quadriceps femoris and gluteus maximus, and move backward to train the muscle strength of biceps femoris,
Lower Limb Deep Squatting Rehabilitation Training Device
It is suitable for patients with abdominal and back rehabilitation training, Train muscles: Bend forward to exercise rectus abdominis and stretch backward to exercise erector spinae,Training effect: strengthen the core muscles of the abdomen, tighten the abdomen and avoid sagging of the viscera, Strengthen the muscle strength of the lower back and reduce the stress on the lumbar spine, Enhance the activity of bending down to carry objects in daily life and reduce the risk of waist injury.